The Effects Of Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is defined as the act of someone staying in a given country without the country’s official permission. This happens when one illegally enters a given country, or overstays upon expiry of a visa. This paper seeks to highlight the effects of illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration poses both positive and negative effects on the illegal immigrant as well as the country of illegal immigration. One of the positive effects is that illegal immigrants end up boosting the local economy. For instance, illegal immigrants in the U.S.A. are said to have contributed around USD 300 billion to the Social Security Trust Fund. Given that illegal immigrants are not entitled to various benefits, some companies capitalize on this fact to save on labor costs. Further, illegal immigrants take up low-end jobs that do not attract locals. This helps avert a potential workforce vacuum in the lower end of the job market. It is also significant to note that most of the illegal immigrants immigrate in search of a better life abroad.

One of the negative effects of illegal immigration is the exertion of pressure on a given country’s resources. Essential social amenities like hospitals and schools can end up being overwhelmed because of users that were not planned for. Given that illegal immigrants need basic supplies like food, health services and shelter, their influx is likely to stretch the available resources. In some cases, this may end up creating a conflict between the host communities and the illegal immigrants.

Further, the illegal status of the illegal immigrants can subject them to mistreatment from the local host community. Given their legal status, immigrants find it hard to report to the police for fear of deportation. Some locals take advantage of this situation to extort and mistreat the illegal immigrants. Cases of moral and physical abuse of illegal immigrants are a common occurrence in some countries. However, they end up suffering in silence. Further still, illegal immigrants are said to exert competition on job opportunities for the locals. Some employers are keen to tap on cheap labor provided by the illegal immigrants at the expense of the locals. In conclusion, illegal immigration can take both the positive and negative dimension in terms of its consequences. From the discussion, the negative effects are more than the positive effects of illegal immigration. World governments should address the factors leading to illegal immigration and try to provide sustainable solutions at home.

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